The role of a modern QE (4/4)
I hope by now, you have understood the importance a QE holds in a product development team. You win when you choose the right tools, for the quality assurance of your product.
To read the previous story in the series, click me.
It’s well said,
“Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe”
Choosing the language
- Java
- Python
- JavaScript
- C#
- Ruby
I think it would be wise to choose a language of your choice. If i had to pick one, i would pick Java.
Automating the web
There are of course many things possible here. like different cloud technologies or testing at different layers. But I am going to keep it simple.
- Selenium
- Watir (Ruby)
- Gauge Taiko (JavaScript)
- Puppeteer (JavaScript)
Testing frameworks
This are the frameworks that will actually help you with validation, flow control, reporting and much more.
Behavior Driven Development
Behavior Driven Development (BDD) is a branch of Test Driven Development (TDD). BDD uses human-readable descriptions of software user requirements as the basis for software tests. Like Domain Driven Design (DDD), an early step in BDD is the definition of a shared vocabulary between stakeholders, domain experts, and engineers. This process involves the definition of entities, events, and outputs that the users care about, and giving them names that everybody can agree on.
A test for a transfer in a cryptocurrency wallet might look like this:
Story: Transfers change balances As a wallet user
In order to send money
I want wallet balances to updateGiven that I have $40 in my balance
And my friend has $10 is their balance
When I transfer $20 to my friend
Then I should have $20 in my balance
And my friend should have $30 in their balance.
Notice that this language is focused exclusively on the business value that a customer should get from the software rather than describing the user interface of the software, or how the software should accomplish the goals.
Automating Android Devices
Automating IOS Devices
- Appium
- XCUITest (Native)
API Testing
Performance Testing
Automating in cloud
Hybrid Automation Frameworks
Hybrid Automation Frameworks provides a powerful and versatile platform to author Test Cases in Behavior Driven, Keyword Driven or Code Driven approach.
Test Management Tools
The term “Test Management” encompasses anything and everything that we do as testers and we take the help of a best and efficient test management software to perform this task.
Code less Automation
Codeless testing is creating automation tests without writing a single piece of code.
Yet to explore, but you can definitely google the term to learn more!
Wow, we have come a long way. I hope i made some sense through the articles.
Don’t be a stranger. See you soon!